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Full Version: The Loss Of A Friend...why? Forum > Literature & Art > Miscellany > Personal Advice
I lost my best friend, not to death but for some reason unknown to me.

My friend and I have been best friends and inseperable for about a year and a half and all of a sudden I find my phone calls not returned, my phone calls ignored, and my text messages and emails not returned.

My friend told me not too long ago that she loved me and cared for me...but now it's as if I don't exist which breaks my heart and makes it hurt SOOOO much because I feel unwanted, useless, worthless, unloved, betrayed, used...

I was ALWAYS there for her no matter what. I was there for the highs and really lows and gave 110% of myself as a true friend should. I've gone above and beyond and now there's silence.

She and I have had a discussion before about her blowing me off and lying to me in order to spend time with other people - which hurts me even more. Last week she called and told me she didn't want to go out because she was sick but then I find out she went out with some guy instead. And when I asked her about it I'm told that I'm "psycho." ????

It takes A LOT for me to open up to people and put my trust in them and I gave her every inch of my heart and soul because I allowed myself to trust her. And this is the thanks I get. Wow.

I'm numb with pain and have cried until I can't shed another tear. It just hurts so much to know that I'm no longer wanted or loved - especially when I haven't said or done anything to warrant it.

I know that I need to move on and "get over it" but it's so damn hard to do that right now because it still stings.

It's sad that she's thrown our friendship away and would rather surround herself with people that don't genuinely care about her. And it's sad that she'll never understand or realize how good she had it with me. And if she does happen to wake up and realize it, I don't think I can ever trust her enough to be there.

What a shame. sad.gif
it happens. Your friend probably has reasons for blowing you off but has difficulty confronting you about it or telling you to your face. If you think she's in trouble, try to be there to offer support or help. Otherwise, I would get on with your life and not pester her about not spending time with you.
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Next time you think you got a friend, see if any of the following apply before being sure of what you got:

- Have some interest in common
- Share an on-gooing relationship, with periodic (although not necessarily regular) contact.
- Trust one another, at least to some extent, with information, money, safety, other relationships.
- can say "no" to each other and still remain friends
- Can see -and accept- the worst in each other
- Rarely fell they "owe" each other anything; give and take is withoun obligation between them

Maybe there is no such a thing as friends in the true sense of the word. There is only circumstancial, common interests. Case in point, Jesus was my only friend for awhile, untill I realized that he was just a sfigma of my imagination. Then my chilhood friends took up on different interests, met different people, got to experience life at a different level I could no longer relate with. So, now they're all gone. Live in different cities. Maybe friendship is over-rated. Try other forms of human bond, just as rewarding. Cops talk of "partners" as a very healthy and positive human bond experience. They watch each other's back, their own lifes depend on each other. Personally, I just wake-up every morning hoping I can be half as good as my dog (and best friend) thinks I am.
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