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Alright, so I'm in a relationship with a guy. He has two friends. I've been in the relationship for 7 months now. I don't know what to do, or how I should feel/act. There is this girl that he supposedly is close friends to, but I think that there is a lot more that I don't know. He always acts shy around her, and looks at her from afar when he's talking to me. We went to a dance and he kept taking pictures, but most of the pictures were of her. She seems like she's perfect for my boyfriend. Sometimes I wish he would break up with me and get with her, that way I can be "free" to date other guys, which brings me to my next issue..

One of my boyfriend's closest friends is becoming really good friends with me. We get closer and closer everyday, and we talk a lot more than me and my boyfriend do. Lately I think I've been kind of building feelings for him. It's not my fault. For some reason, (and according to one of my friends.) we would be a good couple, since we get along so well. I kind of wish that he liked me, because I think one side of me likes him, but the other feels so stuck with my boyfriend. I do really love my boyfriend, but he seems like he deserves a lot better, but everytime I see that same girl, he seems like he likes her. I get jealous. He says that she is one of his best friends, but I believe that on the inside he wishes she were a lot more to him. She invited both me and my boyfriend to her birthday party coming up. I'm afraid of going, but I feel like I have to go to keep a close eye on my boyfriend. She for some reason acts like I'm an old friend of hers, and hugs me and says things like "Oh my are you?!" All the time, acting like I'm one of her best friends, when the truth is, she randomly added me on Myspace when I didn't know her at all. Except that she is in one of my classes. I've never even spoken to her before. To me it feels like she's that type that's trying to either be popular, or trying to make a lot of friends to be loved. I don't know what to do, or think.

Please help?

Sounds to me everything is just perfect the way it is, just go from there.
I disagree steppen, she wouldnt be asking for help if everything was fine, what we have is a sort of love triangle. First of all my assumption about this girl who is good friends with your boyfriend is trying to be friends with you because your his girlfriend. She may or may not be going after your boyfriend, I really cant say, however she did invite both of you to her party and she is trying to be friends with you. I think you should go to the party, if she was going after your boyfriend agressivly she wouldnt of invited you.

Jealousy is a normal part of love, it shows you care about him and this leads us to our next dilemma. You like your friends boyfriend, this may have come from a lack of attention from your boyfriend, you may be rebounding or have genuine feelings for him. What you have to ask yourself is "am I liking this person because I care about him or because I want to get back at my boyfriend for spending so much time with another girl?" really try to answer honestly. The next thing you need to do is get these problems out of your head and into the situation. You should talk to this other girl at the party, try and understand her side of things. Finally the most important part is between you and your boyfriend, if he is spending to much time with another girl, maybe you should give him more reasons to spend time with you. Note that im not saying to go out and make yourself more "available". Rather find out what makes him want to spend time with the other girl and maybe you will gain some insight into your boyfriends intrests.
Thank you for the help, I understand completely what I should do. The thing is, I just might be the type who falls in love too easily. Sometimes I actually like when my boyfriend doesn't give me attention. Too much attention feels annoying to me. What I feel towards his friend feels so much like I like him like him, wishing that I was with him sometimes, we seem to never run out of things to talk about. I guess I'll figure it out later on in time. Thank you so much for the help. smile.gif
heh tongue.gif no problem, hope things work out for you.
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