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Full Version: Feeling lazy and guilty about it Forum > Literature & Art > Miscellany > Personal Advice
Denise RSO
Hello all,

I came accross this great web site and thought I could use some inspiring words and maybe even identify with others about how I feel.
My life is good. I am married to a great guy, live in a nice home with our pets who I love dearly, my family and I have a great relationship. At the moment I am not working and am just taking some time off before I go back to school.
Now that I do have so much time in my hands, I feel so lazy about accomplishing basically anything. I wake up between 7am and 9am, and take it really easy. I feed my pets and clean the kitchen, have breakfast and that's how far I go. After about 10am I tell myself "so, what now?" and although I know I want to do so many things, like cleaning up a bit, organize our office, work out, do my own manicure, sort out old pictures, write to friends, cook, or groom the pets (you see, nothing BIG, no major scary projetcs!), I find NO MOTIVATION to doing it! I feel real lazy and switch on the TV, watch DVDs, usually while on the computer, and the day goes by....when I feel hungry, I don't put any effort in preparing something healthy or yummy...instead, I just grab some crackers and cheese, or order in. Eating sweets makes me happier for a few hours, but then not so much anymore. One of my dreams is to accomplish great eating habits. I am slim, but don't eat quality foods so much.
I get so frustrated that I feel so freaking lazy! What is wrong with me? It feels like I don't wanna confront the day. It seems like now that I finally have time , enough time, in my hands, I don't knwo what to do with it. I feel like a failure, because I feel so lazy. No motivation, and all the ambition I have in my heart just stays there, inside of me. It doesn't come out because I'm lazy. What could be the problem and how can I fix this? I feel horrible about feeling so lazy. Please help!
coffee, exercise, and the occasional cold shower work fairly well. Also, sleep a solid 6-8 hrs per night.
It sounds to me like you need a cause to get fired up about. How about the potential destruction of civilization? Watch this video:

Then take action.
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I think you're on the right track by going back to school. So what's wrong with being lazy for a few weeks or months before feeling useful again?
Denise RSO,
Nothing is wrong with you -- living ordinary life, being ordinary is the way of Zen.
And if you relax your conflicting mind, if you fully accept and enjoy your situation, each and every moment of it ... Satori is possible!
Hey, nothing motivated Van Gogh as much as cutting off his earlobe!

I'm not sure I'd recommend that. Just throwing some ideas out there.
A goal is something that should last long enough so that you can accomplish it. Cooking something good when you're hungry isn't very... motivating. If you need something to be motivated about, make it hard work. If you want to stop being lazy, change your lifestyle around. Hard work is a lifestyle because it's a way of viewing EVERYTHING. For example, if there's you've spilled a drink a few days ago that has left a mark, the only way that mark is going to disappear is if you vacuum it (the special water kind lol). The thing is that you're too lazy to take out the vacuum, but if you truly want to be a hard worker, you would resist your temptation to go on the computer and spend a minute cleaning it up. The reason i used an example like this is because hard work can be seen in all forms and is easily destroyed by laziness. If you allow yourself to be lazy just once, that will slowly become your habbit. It's like taking drugs. (not that i have ever done this... i'm still young). If you take just one, you can say you'll stop, but that won't happen. You can tell yourself that you'll clean up that stain tomorrow, and you may truly believe that... but it's still not gonna happen. Even if there's a chance that it will happen, you're better off just doing it as soon as possible. The whole idea that's so good about this is that you'll have the motivation to do anything you want to do. I'm studying for the SAT's right now, and by telling myself to keep working everyday for that extra hour, i can do it because otherwise i would be destroying my whole goal. Being a hard worker. If my mom asks me to do the dishes... i would gladly do it because i know i'm not being a lazy person.

Of course this really only works if you're really determined to become this type of a person, which i'm sure you are because you wouln't have come here otherwise. Hope this helped... i'm sure nothing is wrong with your brain lol.
Make a list of things to do. Set achievable dates of completion. Reward yourself for some.

Denise RSO
This is why I love this website! Thank you, everybody! I gave it a few days to see if someone would reply, and BAM! Thanks! The good news is: After writing about it and even talking about it with my husband, that is, after acknowledging that I felt I had a problem or thought of it as a problem, made me feel better. It gave me some sort of strength and the past few days I've been doing more and more, little by little! I love all your comments and suggestions! (I just don;t think I will cut off my't think so...). My husband also said: enjoy this time you don't have "anything" to do. You will miss this one day and if you now have the chance to have SO much time, enjoy it!" That also gave me more confidence and made me feel better!
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