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Hey is it really easy to get addicted to pot? I've researched stuff on it and talked to some of my friends that use it but I'm confused. Health people say its really easy to get addicted. But some of the people I know say the first time the tried it they didn't feel the high so they tried it again and they still didn't feel it and about the third time they tried it they got the high and were addicted. Is that true? You don't feel the high the first time and by the time you do you're addicted? If anybody can help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks

Love Always and Forever
ok now ann... other people will answer you lol but all i know is yes itihnk its addictive not like the first time but if its in ur blood then.. yea i tink so.. but im not sure bcuz lol i dont do it.. are  YOU tihnking of doing it??
pot is addictive like chocolate is addictive.  If you like how it feels, you'll want more (this is 'psychological' addiction).  Quitting pot is not dangerous like some drugs (such as heroin or alcohol) so it is not considered 'physically addictive'.

The problem with pot is that is changes the way your mind works over time, which feels good for maybe some number of years but ultimately leaves you depressive and ineffective at life in general.  

Using drugs can be an amazing feeling at first (maybe for years), but there is no escaping from the consequences of f**cking with your brain (which can be nightmarish).

tread carefully and sparingly (if at all) with any such substance, and that includes alcohol
I didn't say I'm thinkin of trying it but I'm curious. I wanna know what would happen IF I did.
the thing is you have to like how it feels first...not everyone like that Dan said, it can be psychologically / mentally addictive...I can't think of the biological term right now but it's similar to runner's high, right?  something is numbed.
As a pot user myself i have to say that it is addictive as much or as little as anything else, it's all down to your personality.

If you know you are an addictive personality, then you will probably use it far to much and cause problems for yourself, but you will do that whatever the vice. Otherwise; if you are sensible, there will be no problems.

I use it to expand my mind more than anything, although this does depend on the quality of the pot and what type you get. Most people i know use it to have a laugh or to calm down and relax. However like ellev8 says you may not like the experience and you'll be put off straight away.

Hope that helps, use me as a sounding board if you wish, i don't mind talking about my drug use.
yeah, like dan said, its about as addictive as chocolate.

but ive never heard of any health problems from long term use.
i did read about a study in zurich that showed some cannabinoids protect the brain from the trauma of head injuries.
i also heard that marijuana contains the strongest known anti-oxident, and about two studies that showed cannabinoids shrank brain tumors in rats.
i also heard that the partnership for a drug free america is totally and completely funded by seagram's, the second largest liquor company in the world.  

so i dont think you should worry about gettin addicted.
ill get links and more info if anybody wants...
 This reminds me of that anti-marijuana commercial that says that one marijuana cigarette is as bad as four tobacco cigarettes.

 Come on. The ratio of marijuana cigarettes to tobacco cigarretes per month would show how much lower marijuana use is. Who are they trying to fool?

 Now they're trying to take a driving stance to it. "Don't smoke pot and drive." Duh. Not only that, they have commercials saying smoking pot will make you unsuccessful, and you won't do anything with your life. Gimme a break.
Tyler Carvel
Some of my friends fathers smoke pot daily(for years), and they don't seem any different than any other 40-50 year olds

Recently i had to quit smoking pot, because of random drug testing.  And, i would have to agree that marijuana is only addictive on a mental level.  I find that i feel more bored now, because when i used to be bored, i would just get high with my close friends and do something active, or get deep into philosophical conversations.  However now that i quit, i find that i drink alot more than i used to, and i have to say that marijuana is the less of the two evil, you do some stupid sh*t when your drunk.
Thank you guys! You've helped alot.
+Steven Curtis Lance
Spark it up!

It's always 4:20 somewhere...

I think just about the most important thing in the world is to keep your mind open, no matter what.  Wonder about stuff.  Wonder.  "All things are possible, only believe."

You know how they say curiosity killed the cat?  Well, he had nine lives and came right back and he would have died happy anyway.   

Life is too short, and absurd, and potentially meaningless, to agonize about stuff.  

Spark it up, babe; it's 4:20.

Just speaking personally, I have a great deal of experience with all sorts of drugs, and I don't think the ganja is a problem at all.  I am not supposed to smoke anything at all anymore; I am not supposed to take any smoke of any sort into my lungs, so I don't anymore.  I always get pneumonia and very nearly die--the last time it was four months, at the turning of this year, but that was all about tobacco, actually--so I have to not smoke stuff, any stuff.  I just drink a lot of good Merlot wine.  But I do think a lot of this talk of addiction is propaganda.

(I shouldn't have said anything... I'm an idiot, I know; I should just write poems... but just don't ever grow up, please; "mens sana in corpore sano": keep your mind young and strong and flexible along with your body, and never become a Republican pod-person.  Stay cool, is what I mean to say; stay free.  Sorry if I don't make sense--must be the effect of drugs!--but all my love to all.  Peace out.)

cant smoke your ganja steven? well ill be right over with some brownies biggrin.gif
+Steven Curtis Lance
We used to call those Alice B. Toklas brownies.

Yes, thanks, I'd love some.
I have been smokeing since I was 16, and now being 35.....I have no ill effects, only smoke the good stuff too, and when I cant find any, no biggie, even if it takes a month, I can live without......Ive seen guy, and girls that NEED a drink everyday, personally, I think alcohol is worse for you
It is not physically adictive. When you excess in anything that makes you happier only for as long as your on it, you are stepping into murky waters. Pot in particualar makes you lazy when done in excess and, when you go off of pot after smoking it for a while you could become very irritated with the things in life, that yesterday diddn't seem so bad because you were high.
Don't take anyones word for it try it yourself, observe and conclude.
Whatever you do, make sure you aren't getting tainted stuff. Some a*s put some kind of chemical that was supposed to "addict" users to pot on his and sold it to my friend. She got horrible chem. burns on her lungs and cannot live without oxygen. Also as someone who has had 6 people in my life die of lung cancer (I'm only 19), use it sparingly if you must use it at all. Wasting away slowly in front of your family and friends is not a good way to go.
Pot is addictive as your favortie food! lol. Smokeing it is really not that big of deal
It's not addictive but it can certainly become habit-forming! I actually smoked pot almost everyday for a year and have spend an entire summer stoned. I find it more fun than nicotine and alcool but there's no real harsh stopping it... The problem is when u've got an habit ur always like... Why not? But if u wanna stop it's really easy.
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