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The Cosmic Hierarchy through Karen Danrich

For close to 10,000 years, the dolphin and whale community have been the only "Vibrational Stewards" of Earth. A vibrational steward is an embodiment that co-holds the frequency of Earth along with those spirits or souls who embrace our planet. For those who do not know it, the dolphins and whales are fully-conscious beings who know no separation from God, communicate telepathically with one another, are in full communication with the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and live in a state of bliss. In their joy, they hold a high vibration, and in so doing, support Mother Earth in holding her vibration.

The dolphins and whales were originally designed to hold the vibration of "Unconditional Acceptance" in embodiments that live within water. Planet Earth is not the only planet that has large bodies of water, and the dolphins' and whales' genetic system come from the Sirius star system where embodiments similar to these also co-hold the frequency of Sirius. Mankind was originally also designed to hold the vibration of unconditional love and, like the dolphin and whale communities, also support the vibration of Earth but while existing upon the land rather than within the water. With the "Fall of Man," the genetics of mankind became distorted such that the vibration of unconditional love was lost and, along with this, our ability to be a vibrational steward was also lost.

The human form prior to the "Fall of Man" contained twelve full strands of DNA. The cause of the genetic fall from twelve strands to two strands of DNA (per the universal records) appears to be a nuclear bomb that was dropped approximately 9,500 years ago that was 100-fold greater than that dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. In this experience, the human genetic system mutated from twelve strands of DNA to the limited two strands over a period of many generations. The human lifespan dropped from 500 years to less than a century that it is today. Disease became prevalent. Civilization was reduced to barbarism as all technology was lost.

During the "Fall," human form fractured into seven sub-vibrations that extend from a unified source which is the vibration of unconditional love. Much like a prism, the vibration of unconditional love (which can be seen clairvoyantly as the color of a magenta pink) fractures into seven sub-vibrations which can be seen as red (1st Ray), blue (2nd Ray), orange (3rd Ray), green (4th Ray), fuchsia pink (5th Ray), yellow (6th Ray) and violet (7th Ray). Mankind, within the fall, stopped resonating in the vibration of unconditional love and, instead, within our current genetic form, vibrates within one the sub-vibrations of the 1st through 7th Rays.

The fear that humanity has lived in is a result of a fracturing of the vibration of unconditional love into the seven sub-vibrations. Within the fracturing, human form lost its ability to be capable of all things and became specialized in one area or another. Within the specialization process, the individual experiences a polarized expression of capabilities, i.e., each individual is good or talented at some things and not good or talented at others.

In a tribal living environment, individuals within the group pooled talents, and each offered the gift of their particular specialization in exchange for being taken care of. Each individual's gifts to the community were honored no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, and, in exchange, each person was fed, clothed, sheltered, and loved. In our current social form, in which we have given up the tribal communal setting, individuals who are not gifted at taking care of themselves are left to the experience of homelessness, hunger and poverty. Others, who are extremely gifted, hoard their talents, leading to the polarized experience of greed and wealth.

All of our social problems can be related to the vibrational fragmentation which resulted in the seven sub-vibrations that we currently operate under as a civilization. The experience of living within only one of the seven sub-vibrations is a result of having only two strands of DNA, which limits one's capabilities. The twelve stand of DNA human form allows the embodiment to embrace all of the seven rays, resulting in the experience of being capable of all things, i.e., unlimited. For one who has embodied all of the seven rays (thus vibrating in the unconditional love) can give birth to a project (1st Ray), structure a project (2nd Ray), give wisdom to a project (3rd Ray), give harmony to a project (4th Ray), give passion and creativity to a project (5th Ray), give vision to a project (6th Ray), and give knowledge to a project (7th Ray). They can do all things, and in so doing, they move out of fear.

The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is elevated in vibration a little at a time until it embraces each of the seven rays, thereby vibrating in the unconditional love. In so doing, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.

In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." The return of "Christ" is and will be in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. The man known as Jesus came from a lineage of Essenes that had retained the twelve strands of DNA from prior to the original "Fall." The individual who has embodied twelve strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies the new genetics, civilization will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.

Becoming "Christed" is only the first step to becoming a "Vibrational Steward" of Earth. In attaining the state of the "Christ," the embodiment begins to hold the 8th Ray of unconditional love that supports Mother Earth. The dolphin and whale community hold a higher vibration yet. The dolphin and whale communities have unified eighteen rays in total within their embodiments and embody the state of "Unconditional Acceptance."

In addition to those who have become "Christed," many will take their evolution one step further and embody the state of a "Vibrational Steward" and embody all eighteen rays. In order to accomplish this, a total of 37 additional strands of DNA must be connected, making a total of 48 strands of DNA altogether. This new DNA brings about a complete cellular restructuring of the human form.

This process of cellular transformation is not new. Within the pyramids of ancient Egypt, initiates were gradually elevated in vibration a little at a time to embody eighteen rays or beyond over a many year time frame. This resulted in the cellular restructuring of their bodies to what is called "crystalline" in form. The final purpose of the initiations in Egypt was for initiates to transcend the experience of death and take their embodiment into the next dimension. In order to accomplish this, the cellular restructuring to the "crystalline" form was a necessity.

The crystalline cell has a cell wall that is made of a lipid compound, i.e., body fat. Body fat holds a higher vibration. Many channels and healers wonder why they gain weight as they pursue their healing careers. It is simply because the body fat is needed for the purpose of holding the vibrations necessary to channel or heal. In the crystalline restructuring, the body fat is distributed around each and every cell within the human form. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork such that the physical structure can hold a new vibration.

The crystalline cell does not die but rather rejuvenates itself. Within your current form, cells are continuously replacing themselves, and the continued cell die-off creates a plaque that coats the arterial walls and the intestinal track. This plaque leads to hardening of the arteries and, ultimately, aging and death. The process of becoming crystalline leads to an ageless form that has the capacity to transcend death.

The crystalline cell has the ability to have the cell walls dissolve and reconstruct as needed. Many ancient medicine men and women have been said to have the ability to shapeshift in form. The crystalline form allows for such transcendental abilities as shapeshifting, teleportation and inter-dimensional travel to again become possible within the human experience.

In the year 1998, 100,000 initiates are anticipated to begin their journey through these new initiations and become crystalline. In embodying the state of a "Vibrational Steward" and becoming crystalline in form, one attains unconditional acceptance of all of life, all peoples, all nations, all species, all beings, physical and non-physical. And within that experience, life truly becomes joyous and bountiful.

The purpose of human embodiments to attain the state of the "Christ" or a "Vibrational Steward" are to support Mother Earth in her Ascension to a star. Many prophets of the past have written about the horrible earth movements and devastations awaiting us at this time within our history. These earth devastations are being held in check by those who are embodying the vibrations of unconditional love and unconditional acceptance as they support Earth in her Ascension.

For those of you undergoing this process at this time, we thank you for your dedication to the spiritual path. We also thank the spiritual leadership within the metaphysical movement through whose dedication and willingness to go beyond the old paradigm of spirituality, and give voice to new information, that this process has been made available at this time in history.

Until next time, blessings to each of you on your journey.


Karen Danrich is the director of the Spiritual School of Ascension based in the San Francisco Bay Area. This school was founded under the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth and the Cosmic Hierarchy. The purpose of the school is to make available information on the Ascension process to assist those undergoing a shift in vibration and who are destined to become the future leaders in the new world order. This information is offered in the form of workshops and one-on-one readings and healings. Karen is a conscious channel. A conscious channel is one that has reached a high enough frequency that the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy can merge with one's body while fully aware and present for the purpose of teaching, leading and healing. Karen has dedicated her life to assisting others through their own transformation and initiations. Karen has scheduled workshops on "New Initiations from Ancient Egypt" throughout the U.S. and Canada in 1998. These workshops are designed to create a high group vibration that will take a dedicated group of serious spiritual initiates on a rapid journey through the initiation process. For a detailed schedule and registration packet, please call (510) 724-5057 or fax (510) 724-5963 or see us on the internet!


this brand of pseudoscience is dangerous and stupid. Note the underlying commercial motives of the author which are made very clear at the end of the essay. Could this person be any more blatant about money and greed being her motives? Are we expected to take these jokers seriously? The scary thing is that these foolish essays would not be posted on the internet unless someone actually was taking it seriously, and so the question is, what sort of gullible person actually takes this nonsense seriously? I want to know because I have priceless 'time machines' and 'magic prisms' and telepathy kits to sell them for cheap cheap prices of a few hundred thousand!
she's not the only one saying and doing stuff like this. Two others that I know of are and
To the unknown writer,
Guess what it has been proven scientifically by both NASA and scientists in Russia that there several million people running around on this planet at this moment right now who have already expanded there DNA beyond the average human. This may be from a New Age writer but there is plenty of scientific data to back up humanities jump in evolution. There are numerous journal articles out there right now from Masters and PHD students that further endorse the entire idea of not only humanity going through an evolutionary jump but Earth itself going through a jump. There was one child in the States that they had done exstensive testing on which revealed that he 24 Codons in his DNA structure. By the way the average human has 20 Codons. What they were able to determine was that he was able to resist all known diseases and yes they did expose him to the entire gamit. So before you knock this person down maybe you should do your research. Everybody may be approaching the truth via there own road but in the in the end - THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH. The question is what are you afraid of - perhaps being left behind in the dust because you were too closed minded to see what is really going on. Look past the illusion. You might be surprised what you see.
Hey Hey
QUOTE (Unknown @ Sep 29, 04:30 AM)
24 Codons in his DNA structure. By the way the average human has 20 Codons.

Trip like I do
"Vibrational Stewards"


"twelve full strands of DNA"

twelve dimensions in space

check out this archived discussion for clarification about 24 codons locate down the page
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