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Robert the Bruce
Every person who has life can share it and the energy regardless of special gifts, among people they really care for - it is common sense if you know the soul exists and ESP is real. Now that we are able to get past the 'confines of religion' hopefully we can replace the technocrats and doctors who took over the machinery of fear the church generated and get back to 'whatever really WORKS!' I know I say this all too frequently but it doesn't come close to how often the opposing position states its agenda of negativity. It amazes me to see McGill using MRI equipment to prove the same area of the brain that affects motivation and overcomes depression is very receptive to music. It is hard to imagine the ecstatic dancers of all native cultures didn't know this long before language and its divisive segmentation exerted a manageable force on society.

"The Power of the Gregorian Chant
Hear, O my son, the words of the Lord, and incline thy heart's ear.
– The Rule of Saint Benedict, OPENING WORDS
One of the most amazing stories of healing in the annals of sound and music is the case of the melancholy monks. In the late 1960s, Dr. Alfred Tomatis was summoned to investigate a strange malaise that had descended upon a Benedictine monastery in the South of France. It was shortly after Vatican II that the brothers had become listless, fatigued and mildly depressed. Although the monks were anxious about a series of theological reforms, dietary changes, and new routines, their physical symptoms had no clear cause. As such, their condition had stumped several leading European specialists, and nothing seemed able to restore the devout brothers and their abbey to the joyful, active daily round they had once enjoyed.

After arriving on the scene and finding seventy of the ninety monks ‘slumped in their cells like wet dishrags', Tomatis offered his diagnosis. The cause of this despondency, he declared, was not physiological, but audiological. The monks' enervated state was the result of eliminating several hours of Gregorian chant from their daily routine. Previously, the whole community would come together {The socialization or shared energy being important.} eight or nine times a day to chant for ten to twenty minutes at a stretch. The long, resonant tones--the glorious ooooo's and serene eeeee's in 'Gloria in Excelsis Deo' especially-- allowed a feeling of release and supplied a common focus. Most visitors would have found the chanting exhausting, but for the monks it was a way of keeping their internal motors primed. It slowed down their breathing {A very important part of all 'occult' practices.}, lowered their blood pressure, and elevated their mood--and their productivity. They weren't conscious of the physiological benefits of their chanting, but they had clearly become accustomed to it. {A woman in Spain who had been afflicted with an abscessed tooth for over twenty years went crazy after it was removed.}

Tomatis told the abbot that he would like to put the men back on a diet of Gregorian chant. He did, and the effect was dramatic. Within six months, the monks were once again vigorous and healthy. They needed less sleep, and they went back to their appointed tasks with renewed enthusiasm.” (3)

Much of this author's attributions about the splendour of the paraphernalia of the church and its images remind me about the effect of symbols and their hypnotic effect. Chanting certainly has been a major part of life in many cultures for longer than sea travel (800,000 years at least) or fire (In my mind this was used over 3,000,000 years ago after lightning fires and natural gas or pitch fires were found burning.). As we covered in other books on the origin of language (Ogham); Huna and the Hawaiian language is a mind altering experience. It is good to hear that the Gregorian chant is making Europeans return to a portion of the pre-Dark Age awareness that all people shared. Dance and rhythm or rhyme is a joy that love is nourished through. The language of the soul is enmeshed in the harmony created by love in all of its varied expressions.

The Pentagon-Dodecahedron was a representation of the tectonic plates on earth as impacted and formed during the cooling process through the effects of cosmic energy. The ancients built a network of megalithic structures upon it for many purposes related to enhancing their psycho-spiritual and other energy needs up to and possibly including what led to the vitrified rocks. Whether or not we can believe this it was a fact that in the time of Plato the Therapeutae were only allowed to speak of its healing properties as in the case of Pythagoras. You can regard (and should be skeptical) the idea of harmonic affects upon the atomic structures in the Law of the Magi called The Dictum of Hermes (As Above. SO Below) as mere puffery from people seeking to enhance their power and myths of same. Here is a little of what more recent Mystery Schools say about it.

“Masonic Symbolism of the Arithmetical Number Five and Its Plane Geometric Construct the Pentagram and Solid Geometric Construct the Dodecahedron
Stanley J. Bransgrove*
For presentation to the California College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis

The number five [1] and its byproduct, the pentagram, have symbolic prominence and have been attributed extraordinary qualities. Possibly before ancient Sumerian astronomers observed the curious natural phenomena that of the seven visible planets, only Venus traced a regular geometric pattern, a pentagram in eight-year cycles, this number and figure may have already achieved symbolic import. We can confirm at least that what was observed above, was repeated by man here below. In examining remaining monuments of this distant past we find evidence that in fact the symmetry of the pentagram was utilized in mans most important architectural edifices. We may also interpret the stone work of this initiatic tradition in light of literary references to such western traditions such as those of the Pythagoreans, Jews, Christians, Druids, as well as the Lataif of Sufi tradition, and Hindu Tattwas. (See Appendix.) The pentagram served the Pythagoreans as a salutation and a symbol of health. Medieval masons considered it a symbol of deep wisdom and integrated its proportions in ecclesiastical edifices. In recent times, professor Matila Gyrka called the pentagram the "gateway to absolute independence;" "symbol of deep wisdom;" and an "ideal archetype of dynamic growth." It is not surprising that we find such symbolism reoccurring in speculative Masonry and Masonic Rosicrusianism.” (4)
QUOTE (Robert the Bruce @ Sep 08, 01:15 PM)
... and ESP is real.

Perhaps what many people might mistake for ESP is actually unconscious sensory perception. I have read from Shermer and others that all well-controllled tests for ESP have come up negative.
Robert the Bruce
Shermer was invited along with Randi to see John Edward and other tests done by Gary Schwartz (Who is a trained researcher in the field unlike Shermer). Shermer and Randi both agreed the tests were conclusive but they simply proclaimed that there must be a fruad. They admitted that they could not find the fraud but still simply proclaimed their lies. I have had my writings forwarded to Randi on this and other points by his fans. You might want to check Michael Prescott debating him - Prescott (like myself) did not come to his beliefs through beliefs or simple acceptance. Facts and actual experience are the way to make real scientific CONCLUSIONS through Observations. I look forward to the day when Randi debates me - you can ask him to call in to Jack Landham's show next time I am on.

His reward has been shown to be a fraud. A person predicted the mnumbers for a lottery in an English newspaper test or challenge and presented the data to Randi - Randi said the procedure of notification was not followed but had no argument with the result.

In any event the way to prove ESP is through physiological and scientific explanations such as I have done - see The Primer Project and MRI/SPECT or PET and Univeristy of Illinois studies on Wesselmann and the Minnesota Twins Study and a hundred other ways that are replicable and proof positive - including Tiller, Emotu and many more.

Again - I have presented the facts on various threads and NO ONE addresses the facts - instead you give hearsay from untrained people with no experience.
I have some experience, but nothing scientific, in that regard. I have always had bad luck gambling, for which I am fortunate, because I might have developed a bad habit otherwise. However, one time for a probability math class the professor assigned the students to flip a coin 10 times and write down the results.

So I was in kind of a meditative mood later in the day, alone, and I pulled a dime out of my pocket. It was a silver dime, and I started to flip it. I was in a relaxed state and I noticed a golden trail after the dime as I watched it spinning and caught it. After ten flips, it was ten heads in a row. When I reported the result in class, the professor thought I was lying.

Maybe you and I could make a lot of money in Vegas. I bet a dollar on red/black at the roulette wheel and you bet 100 dollars against me. Nah, these things never work when it counts!
Robert the Bruce
Those golden or amber rays are indeed very important.

BTW - That is Jack Landman not Landham.

I have many MANY witnessed and factual events of this nature. IN one case I was involved in an exorcism that Mayo and McGill and the Catholic Church had failed for two years - there was lots of available data if they had wanted to get the truth told.

If Linda Braun is still around Long Beach - look her up and ask about me.

She beat Leukemia after being told she would die in less than two weeks and she had a few hunchs herself. But she could never really relax to the extent you describe.
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