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The Fetch
Of Donkeys and Elephants

(An example of Isisian Decryption Techniques and Underlying
Philosophical Principles and is designed for the student already
versed in some of the more technical aspects of the Craft and logic
patterns of the Illuminatus.)

In Gottfried Liebniz, the father of German Philosophy post
Renaissance, I find a hazy kinship. "Nothing is without its reason,
and every truth has its a priori proof drawn from the notion of its
terms, though it isnt always in our power to complete this
analysis." So says Liebniz. Was he hinting at the Veil?

In 1661, Liebniz would state, "With my eager efforts at this problem
I arrived of necessity at a consideration of astonishing import:
there must be, I thought, a kind of alphabet of human thoughts that
can be constructed, and that will discover and judge everything else
through the connection of its characters and the analysis of the
words composed of them."

I too thought this, long before I was introduced to Liebniz, and had
arrived at this concept through pure Occultic work, or what the
Philosopher might call "ontological" principles. It is no secret
that the Letters are a curse: they bind in a way that are almost
unfair to the unworldly. That MAN is 13/1/14 is Pi is mirrored in
the sounds CAN = 31/14.

If the Letters bind, then what are they who have no Letters? Free.
Could the Code of AFRICAN be an extended code of A FREE CAN(MAN), and
so the agents of the darker side who use this same code then set upon
them to "enslave them" to show that they are not "A FRI CAN" afterall?

And what of AMERICAN?

What exactly of Donkeys and Elephants? Are these not the very symbols
of the American republic? So what of Donkeys and Elephants?

Said Liebniz, in "De arte combinatoria", in 1666, "If we possessed
what I have in mind, we could reason in metaphysics and in morals
very much as we do in Geometry and Analytics, for the characters
would fix our thoughts, too vague and variable in these matters where
the imagination furnishes us no aid, except by means of characters.

"Thus man would have a new instrument which would increase the power
of mind far more than than optical instruments strengthen the eye,
and would surpass the microscope and telescope to the same degree
that reason is superior to sight.

"Our characteristic will reduce all questions to numbers, and offer a
kind of statics by which rational grounds can be weighed."

What we could term as "hyper-rationalism" could be fused
to "metaphysical principles" to change the whole construct of mankind
such that the Letters themselves can serve to increase the power of
the human intellect, and in the process, create a collective will or
conciousness that is able to ascertain and judge all phenomena
through a rational construct set against the Letters, which, and in
the process, shed light on what is purposely mystified. As
metaphysics pushes the envelope of what is concsiousness, what was
metaphysics becomes hyper-rationalism to be diffused as theories into
the body of the whole.

But what of Donkeys and Elephants?

In the study of any construct based on the Letters, there are at
minimum two primary distinctions: that which is practical, and that
which is theoretical. The goal of the Metaphysician dedicated to
this craft is to take what is "theoretical", and hence defined as
mystified, and so bring forward the construct such that the construct
becomes practical. Ideas, even those based on Absolute Truths, must
be explained such that they have value to the collective whole.

How do you shift the use the Letter B as a mass conscious raising
tool if the primary body of concsiousness is using it (the Letter cool.gif
unconcsiously? Unconcsious usage is simply a recognition of
appearance without any consideration of what might or is contained
within any given construct. Said Kaestner in 1766, "Our whole idea of
nature is nothing more than a knowledge of appearances, which would
present us with a different face if we saw what was actually in
them." Providing this esoteric wisdom is the value and purpose of
our craft, and ultimately the basis upon which a comprehensive
English Qaballa shall be founded.

Hence there is a further need for refinement, that of the
intelligible, and that of sensible. It is not enough "to know your
ABC's": our sense of society mandates that it is morally expected
that all our kin have a right to read and better themselves. Yet the
sensible relies quite literally on the senses for its condition of
meaning, and as such, trending towards what is sensible is
contributing to "the Fall" in that no effort is made to effect the

We are not allowing our collective concsiousness to ascertain what is
intelligible simply for we have been too lazy and pompous to develop
the means towards a mass "religion" or "theology" predicated on "what
is intelligible" although its fount is Metaphysical. If we try once
to teach but once what is Metaphysical, and by inference,
Intelligible, and should we be skewered for the effort, we
proclaim, "they are not ready to hear what we have to offer", or some
wayward Elder will proclaim, "don't lay your treasure before
swines.", and all the while we retreat to our anterooms, secure in
our knowledge yet still surrounded by ignorance.

It takes great skill and courage to walk the path from the
Metaphysical, to the Hyper-rational, to the Intelligible, and
ultimately to the Practical, and yet all the while maintaining
an "open door" or "non initiate" policy.

Yet what of Donkeys and Elephants?

One should not underestimate the power and skill of the forces that
make-up our Symbols, be it Letters or Donkeys and Elephants. In
Metaphysik (Halle, 1755-1759), III Part (1757) Oars 587-589, George
Frederick Meyer is quoted as saying in defense of Baumgarten, "Many
believe this faculty of knowledge generates only poetic and other
similar compositions. But a little reflection can convince us that
it extends much farther. For we compose or create whenever we put
together as a single concept parts of different imaginings and
representations of such seperated concepts from our clear sensations."

If one reflects further, one can hear the feint whispers of the
Hermetic Alchemical influences on such a statement wherein at its
most basic representation is the idea and action of fusing two
seperate compounds to make a third, and it should not be presumed
that the mixing of compounds is confined to material manipulations:

"...By what principles does human reason build such immense
edifices? Where does it find its foundations, and how can it derive
universal ideas and principles from particular sensations, to serve
as the sure foundation for structures so tall? - Philosophische
Versuche uber die menschliche Natur und ibre Entwickelung (2 volumes,
Liepzig, 1776)

Donkeys and Elephants present us with a unique opportunity to present
our craft in full view for we can show the value of our Letters, the
power of our ability to bring together seemingly disparate ideas, and
fuse them to a single idea which makes the whole greater than the sum
of the individual components. I.e., we build a "universal idea" that
serves as a foundation for the future that equally illuminates what
is clearly hidden in plain view.

(end Introduction)

Begin Part I

Of Donkeys and Elephants,
The Use of the Isisian Codes to Illuminate the Occultic Symbolism of
the American Political System

It is impossible to perceive the subtleties of the American system
without an extensive and exhaustive study of the Isisian Mystery
Systems as they became enshrouded into Masonic, Rosicrucian,
Hermetic, and Kabballistic traditions. Everywhere, from the use of
the Pentagon to the Statue of Liberty are hidden symbols waiting to
be brought into the light, their very existence proof of a more a
more hidden reality subsurface to the American experiment.

So what, then, of Donkeys and Elephants? At the very basic of
representations, the Donkey represents "the Democrats", while the
Elephant represents "the Republicans". These are our "basic building
blocks", but to understand the Occultic nature of these symbols, you
must delve deeper into the philosophiess from which their hidden
meanings are derived

Essentially, as it is structured today, there are two "daemonic"
powers at work. To the Western Masses, these two are "sold" as "God"
and "Satan/Lucifer". This is a simplicity for the masses: it is not,
however, the way the more hidden Occultic forces percieve this: many
a Mason has come to realise soon that what is "god" is
really "satan", and what is "satan" is really "god".

But even these definitions are too simplistic for the complexity of
the issues at hand, so let us use the main "legend" to place "the
all" back into perspective.
The Fetch
Continued -

There is "reality for the masses" and a parallel and powerful
Occultic reality "for the Initiated", with a "hidden power" that
controls "the all". Unless you come to appreciate the hidden
reality, you can never appreciate the effort that has gone in to
create the "reality for the masses": at all times are two hidden
forces tugging and influencing the masses yet remaining hidden in
full view, and Donkeys and Elephants is just one way this is

(Part II-partial)

Of Donkeys and Elephants,

The Use of the Isisian Codes to Illuminate the Occultic Symbolism of
the American Political System

It is impossible to perceive the subtleties of the American system
without an extensive and exhaustive study of the Isisian Mystery
Systems as they became enshrouded into Masonic, Rosicrucian,
Hermetic, and Kabballistic traditions. Everywhere, from the use of
the Pentagon to the Statue of Liberty are hidden symbols waiting to
be brought into the light, their very existence proof of a more a
more hidden reality subsurface to the American experiment.

So what, then, of Donkeys and Elephants? At the very basic of
representations, the Donkey represents "the Democrats", while the
Elephant represents "the Republicans". These are our "basic building
blocks", but to understand the Occultic nature of these symbols, you
must delve deeper into the philosophiess from which their hidden
meanings are derived

Essentially, as it is structured today, there are two "daemonic"
powers at work. To the Western Masses, these two are "sold" as "God"
and "Satan/Lucifer". This is a simplicity for the masses: it is not,
however, the way the more hidden Occultic forces percieve this: many
a Mason has come to realise soon that what is "god" is
really "satan", and what is "satan" is really "god".

But even these definitions are too simplistic for the complexity of
the issues at hand, so let us use the main "legend" to place "the
all" back into perspective.

There is "reality for the masses" and a parallel and powerful
Occultic reality "for the Initiated", with a "hidden power" that
controls "the all". Unless you come to appreciate the hidden
reality, you can never appreciate the effort that has gone in to
create the "reality for the masses": at all times are two hidden
forces tugging and influencing the masses yet remaining hidden in
full view, and Donkeys and Elephants is just one way this is

"The Noahide Laws prohibit sexual relations with close relatives,
with people of the same sex and with animals. Adultery is also
prohibited." - Mirach - The Home of the Practical Kabbalist

Some of you may be wondering, "Now what does the above statement
about sex with animals have anything to do with Donkeys and
Elephants?" Yet, those who know me well know full well that my
training in these matters is not predicated on the opinion that
certain talents should be used to confound, but rather to reveal that
which has been confounded. My desire is to reveal "truths" no matter
how outragesous and preposterous those truths may appear, and I do so
with an almost inferiorating "matter of factness" to those unfamiliar
with this science, and to those familiar with these matters, I do so
with a near "jaw dropping" clarity that begs, "how can he do that?"
In truth, very few souls can speak on the matters I do in the manner
I do.

Let us unwravel the Mystery of Donkeys and Elephants.

First and foremost one must come to understand that the various
factions and systems of the modern day "Occult" are descendents of a
set of "higher powers" that uses human agents for its actions in the
material. These higher powers are correctly "higher powers" as
defined within the very early stages of various Initiatory Systems,
although these various Initiatory Systems often utilize incorrectly
the Hebraic concept of "a higher power", singular, which is perhaps
their greatest flaw and weakness equally. Regardless, as designed in
English, the archetypes have been built around thhe Egyptian pantheon
and then altered, Occulted, to fit Hebraic sentimentalities. This
reality is for cause, that cause being a rather pernicious and nasty
concept known as "genocide".

To simplify the whole, and indeed nothing is actually so simple when
discussing these matters, numerous archetypes have been built through
both time and space and interjected into the material. As described
by Plutarch in Isis and Osiris while discussing these matters, "That
these accounts do not, in the least, resemble the sort of loose
fictions and frivolous fabrications which the poets and writers of
prose evolve from themselves, after the manner of spiders,
interweaving and extending their un-established first thoughts, but
that these contain narrations of certain puzzling events you yourself
(Clea) will understand. Just as the rainbow, according to the
account of the mathematicians, is a reflection of the Sun, and owes
it many hues to the withdrawal of our gaze from the Sun and our
fixing it on the cloud, so the somewhat fanciful accounts here are
but reflections of some true tale."

To truly grasp Donkeys and Elephants, you must truly grasp the nature
of these reflections and how these reflections are recorded into
mythology and legend.

Donkeys and Elephants implies two different factions and so clearly
we are dealing with two different factions. Yet the method of
Occultation is to imply a single faction, or a rather simplistic yet
complex belief in a pattern called YHVH. This is, of
course, "Jewish", but in truth is really English (Isisian), and
herein is where the confusion takes root.

As stated in Plutarch's Isis and Osiris at the opening of Chapter
20, "These are nearly all the important details of the legend, with
the omission of the most infamous of tales, such as that about the
dismemberment of Horus and the decapitation of Isis." These
statements are "reflections of some true tale" that Plutarch adds are
filled with melancholy. Pragmatically, this statement by Plutarch is
nothing less than a political statement veiled in a "religious
allegory": the heads, or leaders, of the "priestcrafts" of Isis and
Horus, as had happened to that of Osiris an Aeon or so before, had
been exterminated.

The fount, or head, had been exterminated, yet remained functioning
due to the quality of the infrastructure that had been put into
place: the knowledge and the philosophy, however, was clearly in
retreat and was being pressed on all fronts. The war of the "gods"
had become a "human affair". As chronicled by those doing the
beheading, the Rabbinical priestcrafts and their related Occult
systems in Jeremiah 65:11, "But you men who are leaving Jehovah ,
those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for
the God of Good Luck, and those filling up mixed wine for the God of
Destiny. And I will destine you men to sword and YOU and all of YOU
will bow down to be slaughtered, for the reason that I called and you
did not listen, and YOU kept doing what was bad in my eyes, and the
thing in which I took no delight YOU shose."

The priestcrafts of Osiris, the God of Good Luck, and Horus, the God
of Destiny (Horus), was being viciously torn asunder by a terrorist
mentality that accepted no other contenders no matter the reasons
why, for the purpose of the terrorists was (and remains) to destroy
the previous knowledge of "a particular system" absolutely and use it
for their own purposes and remold it for a new class of "human", what
today we could term "the Illuminati". Clearly "something" existed
that was quite powerful and for which there was to be
teoretically "no trace", as chronicled in Isaiah 65:16-
17, "...because the former distresses will actually be forgotten and
because they will actually be conealed fgrom my eyes. For here I am
creating a new heavens and a new earth and the former things will not
be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. But
exult, YOU people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating."

What was being created was abject ignorance, for in destruction of
the previous knowledge, by necessity, what would remain would be
complete darkness. The Deluge was setting in.

Jerusalem was the prize. It was the Dreidle point, the axis, from
which all manner of deceptions would be promulgatged and terrors and
wars waged. In Donkeys and Elephants, we have the aggregation of
those souls who seek after the God of Terror and exult in it, but
what are Donkey's and Elephants?

The answer lies in metaphysical reasoning, religious insanities, and
pragmatic historical analysis from an Occultic perception resulting
in a tale of intrigue that is on the face preposterous and
impossible. Yet with the former things forgotten, we are left to
analyse the traces left behind by they who were exterminated in
service of Jehovah/Set/Typhon, for we know that not all sought after
terror and sought to implant everywhere the "god of Good Luck",
inspite of the insurmountable odds. To their credit, they succeeded
beyond their wildest hopes and aspirations.
Robert the Bruce
Hi Fetch

Good to see you here again. I will be on Voice America this Friday with a victim of these things we are trying to bring people to understand. I noted your 'studious' reference and other symbols packed with meaning including Honey (ML and Melchizedek - French Miel) and cup (Grail etc.) and thought you might like this excerpt from Fulcanelli as I have integrated it with some more current technologies.

In 'Les Mysteres des Cathedrales' Fulcanelli said: "It is not enough to be studious, active and persevering, if one has no firm principles, no solid basis, if immoderate enthusiasm blinds one to reason, if pride overrules judgment, if greed expands before the prospect of a golden future… learn to think more with their own brains and less with those of others... Finally, when success has crowned so many years of labour, when his desires have been accomplished, the Wise Man, despising the vanities of this world, will draw near to the humble, the disinherited, to all those who work, suffer, struggle and weep here below. As an anonymous and dumb disciple of eternal Nature, an apostle of eternal Charity, he will remain faithful."

Eugenia Macer-Story (a probable ‘victim’ based on personal e-mails I have received from her) has written an article that touches on some of these matters. The article 'Stoned by Moss' says:

"At the time of these experiments twenty years ago {1973 & 1974}, Dr. Moss was in touch with Soviet scientists interested in mind-machine interaction, emotional telepathy, and espionage. The idea of warfare and political tension between the USSR, the United States and other countries such as China, who were also doing research into the use of telepathy and telekinesis, strongly permeated the experimental atmosphere surrounding the small laboratory at UCLA. The tragic effect to Gail W., a person who came to this lab for experimental self-healing but was rendered by subliminal telepathic transfer unusually sensitive to phantom pain and violent and traumatic political events, actually demonstrates certain key elements of Dr. Moss's theories about emotional telepathy: (a) the possible displacement in time and space of telepathic effects from one person to another, (cool.gif the power of artificially induced emotional telepathic projection to impact the receiver as a 'real' image, and © the possibility of using the impact of these telepathic techniques for psychic warfare and brainwashing.

But witches and sorcerers of all cultures, who use physical and emotional stimuli in the form of costumes, music and bardic poetry or ritual prayer, have known for Millenia that the emotions can be artificially aroused and used to fuel 'spell-casting' or specifically -directed thought projection.”

In thirty years of involvement with people directly in the area of psychic research and the related esoteric studies, I have found their intellectual probing is far in excess of the empirical paradigm that uses previously held ideologies of direct inference as their modus operandi. The perspectives that one has to evaluate the observed and personally felt reactions in the spiritual dimensions far exceed in a geometric explosion any of the one-dimensional simplistic effects such as a bat hitting a ball. There is nothing in the above short story that I can't verify with numerous examples from my personal life. There are other stories that fortunately I cannot verify from personal experience although I have heard some awful things from many abused women. Beth Goobie is a well-respected author and has been given prestigious awards in Canada. Her story was something of a shock to me, when I first read it. Surely THIS must be fiction or some kind of 'hallucination', I thought. Let me bore you with some of her work so you can go to sleep easier tonight. It is from 'The Network of Stolen Consciousness'.

"I am a survivor of intelligence cults that operate across Canada and are connected internationally. In 1959, I was born into an international C.I.A.-connected cult that continues to operate in Central Ontario... I was able to integrate fetal selves as an adult."

What is a 'fetal self'? Yes, I know. No! It couldn't BE?!? Does she actually mean she was disintegrated into multiple personalities by professional psychiatrists while still a child or in the womb??!! It can't be; I mean there are horrible things, I know; humans do do terrible things to other life forms; but surely not this? The abortion of fetuses for the consumption of pineal and iridium secretions or minerals and using coat hangers like Hubbard when the goddess Babalon doesn't fully materialize her soul inside your offspring is ghastly; but this is the continued pain and torture of another human being? How could parents allow this? Words still escape me even after a couple of months, and I don't think Peter has been able to read the whole article.

We wouldn't have such a problem if it wasn't extremely accurate about things few people know and if we could pass it off as fiction. Everyone loves a good horror story. Hellish pustules of fistulating incubae’s assholes are the best confluence of words to capture my disgust that I could come up with as I contemplated my already rotting image of the corpse of mankind. She continued to write words that made me wonder why I was a part of this species that some have (the same people who do these kinds of things) the gall to say is the highest form of life. Yes, she said 'calculated torture sessions in the womb!' It still makes me tremble inside as if I had a fever, my soul nearly throws up and I have to stay away from the typewriter for fear I might say what I really feel about the state of most people's belief systems and willingness to go along with this charade called government. I am supposed to stay on topic or at least a through-line that makes some sense. How can I make sense of this?

"My programming involved fragmentation into alters who were trained as sex agents, couriers, computers, and cult alters (priestess, seeker, caller, whore, slave, trainer, etc.). Some of my alters were trained to handle weapons.”

OK. This makes some sense, I thought. In some weird part of my military training and a meeting with a Colonel of mercenaries who said I should get with a girl he knew in Ontario, who was great in bed. He gave me her number after an hour of talking and getting him calmed down from nearly decapitating me, in Dover, England. I knew this kind of thing could actually make sense in some people’s minds, it could be true. After all, my mind raced ahead of what I had read; killing people in war who have been raised to be killed isn't new. Why not? - use humans who are the best they can possibly be? The decisions of those who sent men over the walls of trenches in WWI to their death by the hundreds of thousands (a day, sometimes) or the cannon and sword fodder of earlier times, like the Civil (!) War, is the true nature of war. Heck I almost volunteered to go to Viet Nam and I had talked a fellow officer trainee into doing it. He won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Why not? Train people from the earliest point of life to be fighting machines. Innocent and naïve recruits of some kind of propaganda machine couldn't possibly be as efficient.

So many other corroborating decisions of medical and military or political henchmen flooded my mind. It surely is worse to send people who were raised in a modicum of decency to do such evil deeds. Bertrand Russell knew this, as he fought all war during the First War to end all Wars. The commando chief of the Allied Forces in Korea had worked for me and had told me how the Chinese drove stakes into American bodies and bet on how many it would take before they died. Deerhunter, the movie provided some more current scenes for my mind to grapple with. It seemed appropriate to engineer a person from before birth and not have to worry about what they thought or felt because you knew every thought they had after putting it into them from the earliest possible moment. You could rely on this person to have no ethical uncertainties that might get in the way of this 'devil's work'! Especially someone who could adopt secure separate characters on command - this was truly a great expenditure of our tax dollars. No wonder America is the 'Land of the Free!' This is the same kind of decision that allows doctors to give ECT's and call it 'therapy' before they go home to snuggle up with the mink coat on their wife's intensely spiritual back; while Beth and her friends go off to defend the 'National Security Interests'.

The fact that all doctors had done research on humans similar to 'THE ANGEL OF DEATH' Dr. Mengele before WWII and that they continue to use therapy as a rationalization to avoid the Nuremburg or Helsinki Act that prohibits it; made me able to begin the process of minimization and started me towards saying 'What's new!?' But how could I put this in a book? I'd have to build up to it with all kinds of other horrors and 'freaky' things that would brand me as a 'conspirator'. Maybe, it would be better not to allow my Don Quixote character to rise to the foreground. Surely no book would be published that confronted people with their own complicity in such incredible horror!? After reading some of it to my brother John and trying to defend the fact that she knew things that I could verify and weren't common knowledge; I saw that it would have to be presented as a mere 'possibility' and that I would have to expect any publisher to regard the whole manuscript as the raving of a lunatic.

"The stories of Kathleen Sullivan, Brice Taylor, Cisco Wheeler, and Claudia Mullen, as well as Cathy O'Brien's 'Tranceformation of America' describe much that is familiar to me, including near-death centers and' hunting'.”

Where have I been? How could I have been so deluded as to think the military who did MKUltra wouldn't have thought of doing this? Heck, I could have suggested this possibility to them myself. Her descriptions were too vivid to recount, and I am still having difficulty accepting them as I watch the TV ask for donations to the Christian Children's Fund, and know these kids should never have been born into such squalor created by religious attitudes about contraception and macho 'Original Sin' fallout. How can I tell you about the levels of the spiritual dimensions that she was systematically and scientifically forced to report on and work in?
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