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Baseline Immediate-Early-Gene (IEG) Expression in the Non-Human Primate

(The following is based on a presentation by Dr. Shawn Mikula at the Society for Neuroscience Convention in Nov 2004)


Midline Thalamic Nuclei Display Elevated Resting-State cFos Expression; Primary Sensory and Motor Nuclei Display None:�


An Immediate-Early-Gene Functional Mapping Study in the Macaque Thalamus��



S. Mikula*, S.H.C. Hendry�����

Dept. of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University








Expression of the immediate-early-gene product, cFos, is an indicator of neuronal activity that has been employed in multiple studies. In this study, the distribution of neurons in the macaque thalamus immunostained for cFos following a period of minimal sensory stimulation was determined. By allowing primates unrestrained activity in the home cages for several hours, we attempted to produce conditions characteristic of baseline stimulation for which immunostaining under well-controlled conditions could be compared.

���� Our results show that the midline nuclei express the highest levels of cFos, and that primary sensory and motor nuclei do not express significant levels of cFos, in the macaque thalamus during the resting state.




Abbreviations:� AD anterodorsal n.; Al alaris n.; AM anteromedial n.; AV anteroventral n.; Cdc densocellular central n.; Cif centroinferior n.; Cim centrointeromedial n.; Cl centrolateral n.; Clc latocellular central n.; Cn.Md centre median n.; Cs centrosuperior n.; Csl centrosuperolateral n.; GLd dorsal lateral geniculate; GM medial geniculate; Hl lateral habenula; Hm medial habenula; LD laterodorsal n.; Li limitans n.; LP lateroposterior n.; MD mediodorsal n.; Pa paraventricular n.; Pcn paracentral n.; Pf parafascicular n.; Pt parataenial n.; Pul pulvinar; R reticular n.; Re reuniens n.; Ro rhomboid n.; Ru ruber n.; SG suprageniculate; VA ventral anterior n.; VL ventrolateral n. ; VPI venteroposteroinferior n. ; VPL venteroposterolateral n.; VPM venteroposteromedial n.; X area X; Zic zona incerta







Behavioral Protocol:

Three monkeys were kept in their homecages under minimal stimulation conditions for eight consecutive hours prior to perfusion.� By minimal stimulation conditions, we mean that the monkeys were allowed unrestrained activity in their homecages but were not presented with any additional stimuli that might otherwise bias our results; hence the denoting of this behavioral protocol as a �resting state�.




Monkeys were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde, and their brains subsequently removed, blocked, sunk in 30% sucrose, frozen by immersion in powdered dry ice, and cut at 16 microns on a sliding microtome.�� Sections were processed immunocytochemically for cFos (Santa Cruz Biotech.), SMI-32, parvalbumin, calbindin, and calretinin, and histochemically for acetylcholinesterase, cytochrome oxidase, and nissl, and subsequently mounted onto subbed slides.�




All sections were digitally photographed with a high-resolution CCD camera.� Thalamic areal boundaries were determined from sections stained for acetylcholinesterase, parvalbumin, and calbindin and traced out in Illustrator (Adobe).�� Thalamic nuclei were labeled according to Olszewski, 1952.� The distributions of cFos immunoreactive nuclei was plotted onto the thalamic tracings.




Thalamic neurons immunoreactive for cFos were quantitated using simple immunoreactive cell counts involving a 0.5 micron wide counting window and pseudo-random sampling.� Cell counts thus obtained were subsequently classified according to which thalamic nuclei they were obtained from.








Figure 2. cFos Distribution in Thalamus of HM13L.� Each red triangle corresponds to a cFos-ir neuron.







Figure 3. cFos Distributions in Thalami of HM196 and HM201. Clusters of densely packed cFos immunopositive nuclei were observed in the paraventricular and limitans nuclei in all sections containing these nuclei. The primary sensory nuclei comprised of the geniculate bodies and ventrolateroposterior nucleus were unique in containing among the lowest levels of cFos expression, with typically only one or two immunopositive nuclei being observed in single coronal sections.





Figure 4. Summary of cFos data for the three monkeys used in this study.� Note the marked elevation of cFos in midline and intralaminar nuclei and the almost nonexistent levels in primary sensory nuclei.





Figure 5. The pattern of thalamic cFos immunostaining differed markedly from that seen for histochemical staining for the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO). CO was very high in a large number of nuclei, with the anterior nuclei and the geniculate bodies showing the most intese CO activity. CO was lowest in a number of nuclei, which included the intralaminar nuclei.








-       When primates are allowed unrestrained activity in their homecages, certain midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei invariably express high levels of cFos, whereas primary sensory nuclei do not express any.


-       Our results suggest that certain midline and intralaminar nuclei comprise part of a distributed neuronal system involved with maintaining a �baseline� or �resting state�.








1.     Morgan J.I. and Curran T. (1991). Stimulus-transcription coupling in the nervous system:Involvement of the inducible proto-oncogenes Fos and Jun. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 14, 421�451.

2.     Olszewski J. (1952). The Thalamus of the Macaca Mulatta.� S. Karger. New York.

3.     Searching for a baseline: functional imaging and the resting human brain.
Nat Rev Neurosci. 2001 Oct;2(10):685-94. Review.



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